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Kate Farbo 

Owner of Encounter Table & Farbo Co.

      Kate Farbo (and her husband James) are the fabulous owners of Farbo Co., one of the coolest nerd shops I've ever seen. Inside you will find the instruments for all kinds of creative nerdy hobbies; miniatures and paints, roleplaying game handbooks and resources, propmaking tools and make-up for cosplay. The best part about the shop is the welcoming, lounge-like atmosphere that the Farbo's have worked to create. Kate and James are always willing to help walk you through or brainstorm how you can make the most of the tools they provide and they are always hosting amazing community events, from weekly DND, Monsterpocalypse, and Magic nights, to makers workshops where you can learn niche crafts like viking wire weaving, kitbashing, or terrain building. You can grab a cup of coffee, a boatload of gummies, and settle in for an evening of high fantasy adventure.

      I really can't stress enough how refreshing the ambiance is at Farbo Co. As a nerdy teenage girl, I so wanted to be able to hang out at a game or comic shop, and play Magic and other TCGs in a space even half as cool as what Farbo Co. has provided. Instead I had shops where I was met with misogyny and gatekeeping.  I am so thankful that the local femme, POC, and LGBT teens (and adults) of Lancaster now have a space where they can be introduced to a new hobby with enthusiasm rather than disdain or even hate and vitriol. Farbo Co.'s business model should be the new standard that other hobby businesses should strive to imitate. They are the future, and the future looks bright! 


      Kate loves spreading geeky love so much, that she is actually announcing the creation of a new division of Farbo Co. that she will command: Encounter Table! It will provide mobile RPG and other such event services.  Read Kate's interview below to learn more about it, and make sure to follow the Farbo Co. website, instagram, and facebook page to get updates on when you can book with Encounter Table! 

Weird in Lancaster: How long have you lived in lancaster/are you originally from lancaster?

Kate Farbo: I have only lived in Lancaster full time for about a year and half. However I spent a lot of time here through the years when James and I were still dating, before we were married.


WL: When did you know you were weird?

KF: I’ve definitely always known I was weird. What took me longer to figure out is that EVERYONE is weird.


WL: I know this is a long list, but what does Farbo Co. offer their customers?

KF: At the core, I think we try to offer a cozy space welcome to anyone who wants to create, collaborate, or play. We’ve stopped referring to ourselves as just a game store. I like to call us a “general nerdery.”


WL: I’m excited about your new venture, Encounter Table! Can you tell us more about what that will look like?

KF: Encounter Table is really designed to bring a unique and curated gaming experience to places that wouldn’t necessarily host them. I’m really trying to make role play games accessible to all audiences, whether it's at your neighborhood bar or a local retirement community. I believe anyone can have fun playing Dungeons & Dragons. It’s not just for “nerds” anymore. Much like I came to realize that everyone is weird, EVERYONE is a nerd. And that’s great! I mean the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest franchise maybe ever and Game of Thrones is the defining show of this decade. These games and these worlds are for everyone.


WL: When will Encounter Table kick off?

KF: Encounter Table will be kicking off this Summer.


WL:  How did you come up with the idea for Encounter Table?

KF: We realized we were limited with the space and reach we currently have, so we began thinking about reaching out to other places to host events. The rest evolved from there.


WL: What kind of events are you looking to have for Encounter Table?

KF: I really want to focus on role playing games. Some ideas include custom Dungeons & Dragons world builds for specific venues, an elaborate Murder Mystery LARP using Ultimate Werewolf as a guide, and even Dungeon Masters for hire for private events.


WL: What aspect is most exciting to you about Encounter Table?

KF: I love how unconfined it is. I have a lot of experience coordinating from my days working as production coordinator for film/tv, and I just love bringing an idea to life from beginning to end. I think there’s a lot of room for me to be creative in bringing unique events to life through Encounter Table.


WL: How can we keep tabs to see when Encounter Table launches?

KF: Keep an eye on FARBO Co social media and website.


WL: I’ve noticed that Farbo Co. draws a much more diverse crowd than a lot of game shops; more women, POC, and LGBT folk. Was that something you and your partner thought about when starting Farbo Co.? Is that important to you for Encounter Table?

KF: That is 100% intentional. Unfortunately with many hobbies/passions there can be a gatekeeping nature. Sometimes a small minority, or not so small minority, feels undue ownership of a part of culture and can lash out if they feel its being compromised which of course we know its not and that is ridiculous. This can lead to misogyny, homophobia, racism and other prejudices within the community. A lot of this can be fed by online echo chambers as well. We want to encourage people to challenge their online echo chambers and actually engage with other people in person, while making it clear that we will not tolerate certain hateful shenanigans here. We proudly display various pride flags and made the shop’s official colors a rainbow. We hope that the people who come here feel that this is a safe space for them. Gaming is for everyone.


WL: I love that you sell products from local makers; comics, teas, stickers. Is supporting other locals in the community important to Farbo Co. and Encounter Table?

KF: We love supporting local artists and makers when we can! We currently carry popular local comic books from John Salvino and Jason Piperberg.


WL: If you had an unlimited budget, what would you do with Encounter Table?

KF: I would start my own convention. That’s kind of my dream.


WL: What is your vision for the future of Encounter Table?

KF: My vision is that through Encounter Table we can bring the magic of rpgs to people who have never even heard of them.


WL: Have events like Zenkaikon been good for your business?

KF: Zenkaikon is incredible for business, and also just a ton of fun. We prepare for Zenkaikon like it’s a marathon!


WL: If you made a game, what would it be about?

KF: I’ve actually brainstormed a game idea with my mother and sister. It’s a card game that would play similar to Munchkin but is all based around Hallmark Christmas Movies. We have so much fun making fun of the absurd tropes in those movies that we built the rough design of a game around it. It would be a very tongue-in-cheek feminist take on those ridiculous movies I hate to love.


WL: What do your work days usually look like?

KF: Long. A typical day is 12 hours and typical day off is anywhere from 0-12.


WL: How do you balance your work life and personal life as a business owner?

KF: We don’t. Not very well. But we are working on it and getting much better!


WL: Where are your favourite hobbies?

KF: I love painting minis.


WL: What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own business?

KF: Be flexible. Be ready to roll with what it throws at you. Take things in stride and adapt.


WL: Is this your dream job?

KF: It might be. I spent a lot of my life chasing a “dream job.” I ended up hating that dream job. I will say it is a dream to be able to be so creative and operate with an autonomy I was never afforded before. I really love being able to build something.


WL: What did 7 year old you want to be when they grew up?

KF: Probably Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


WL: What was your first job?

KF:  It was in a little local coffee shop, forever solidifying my caffeine addiction.


WL: What’s your favourite weird place in lancaster?

KF: Other than FARBO Co, Probably either Habitat Restore or Roots Market. I’m such a sucker for thrifting and rummaging.


WL: Where do you feel most comfortable being yourself?

KF: Either at home or at our morning coffee excursion to Chestnut Hill Cafe. Chestnut Hill makes me feel like early 00s indie film girl that I am deep down inside.


WL: How did you gain the confidence to go into business for yourself?

KF: I think both James and I were tired of giving so much to build someone else’s dream. We really needed to build something ourselves.


WL: What inspires you?

KF: Authenticity and vulnerability.


WL: What motivates you?

KF: The desire to build a community, and to build a modest life for James and myself.


WL: How do you express yourself?

KF: I try to place my energy where I place my values.


WL: Have people been unkind to you about your weirdness? If so how did you handle it and what did you learn from it?

KF: I don’t have any memories that stick out. I’m sure they have, but I must have forgotten. I try not to hold on to that kind of stuff. Like I said, everybody’s weird.


WL: Do you have a current DND/other RPG character going right now?

KF: When I’m able, I play a character called Carl “the cam” in a game of Monster of the Week. He’s a flaky and paranoid video producer obsessed with capturing the truth about the supernatural. He’s not particularly helpful with hunting monsters.


WL: What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done?

KF:  I married James Farbo.


WL: What would you like to be remembered for?

KF: For something positive. I just hope I leave a positive impact.


WL: What is the weirdest thing from your childhood?

KF: The weird and wacky make believe games my sister and I developed with our childhood neighbors. Some notable games include: “Take My Baby”, “Fen Fen” and “Giant Slug and Fair Maiden.” We were very weird (imaginative) kids and it was encouraged.


WL: What is your favourite thing about yourself?

KF: I think I’m a pretty ideal combination of someone who is quite creative, but also very coordinated. I can rock a clipboard. I’m really good at seeing the whole picture and its moving parts and keeping them all going.


WL: What does weird mean to you?

KF: Weird is just when someone is brave enough to express the part of themselves that may go against what they think society wants from them.


WL: How would you describe your style?

KF: My style is now comfort and function over pretty much anything else. Leggings are the best thing to ever happen in the history of the universe. I was a teenage goth girl and I don’t think I’ll ever give up my baby bangs for that reason.


WL: How has lancaster changed since you’ve been here?

KF:  I feel like Lancaster changes every day. A lot of it is exciting.


WL: What would you like to see more of in Lancaster?

KF:  I would like to see more unique and creative businesses. I would like to see more than just restaurants opening.


WL: What’s your favourite restaurant in Lancaster?

KF:  I don’t frequent a lot of restaurants but I love El Pueblito for tacos and Cafe Pho Hoang for Vietnamese.


WL: Do you have any favourite local artists?

KF:  I love John Salvino’s ink prints.


W: What is your favourite cryptid?

KF:  Either the Wendigo or the Mothman.


WL: Anything you’d like to add?

KF: Don’t be afraid to be weird!

Follow Kate on Instagram @boootybangs and follow Farbo Co. on Facebook and Instagram @FarboCo

Keep an eye out for more exciting news about Encounter Table! 

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I spend my own money, without any returns, so every little bit helps me be able to continue producing Weird in Lancaster!

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© 2014 Emily Savill


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